Monday, December 29, 2008

The Ol' Ball & Chain


Attribute me

Not to life’s greatest adventure

But to a prison sentence.

Or a stage in life that is a

Necessary evil for procreation

And guilt-free monogamy.


Associate me

With the nagging to fix kitchen cabinets

And annoying jousts over remote-hogging

…instead of a life-long friendship

That transcends its titles and obligations.


Fill bars and hardware stores

Till after hours,

Secretly envy single men,

And excitedly attend bachelor parties

To relive your glory days…

To recall when you were that free…

To recapture the smile that was lost

Somewhere between the rehearsal dinner

And the 50th soiled diaper that needed to be changed…

To remember when

You weren’t weighed down by the ol’ ball and chain...


Cheapen me

And then blame me for

Having desires beyond the biological.

Past our released endorphins and sweaty limbs.


Connect me

Directly to the journey’s difficulty

Instead of seeing me

As an answer to prayer.

["It is not good that Man should be alone..."]



So I

Will wait.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...


Unknown said...

i really like this.

like, really really like it a lot.

*smells collabo in the future*

Traveler said...

very insightful,,, watchful one.