Monday, August 24, 2009

Fields of Battle (Working Title)

The plain of my love for you

Is more like a battlefield

Than an open pasture where

The possibilities are endless,

And the hopes are high.

I feel compelled to crouch,

Position my heart low, and fight

Than spread my wings

For a flight’s anticipation.

I would much rather

Stretch out contentedly

Extend my legs and fingertips

To take in each blade of green

And ray of sunlight.


Instead the ground is mud and soot;

Where I place one careful footstep

After the other.

Cautious and afraid,

Passing by dilapidated buildings…

In an area that was once my home.


Naturally Alise said...

right now this piece is speaking DIRECTLY to my love battle right now... wow.

Don said...

you captured the sentiment, well. good stuff.

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

thank you for reading guys...