Friday, March 26, 2010

Reservoir. (Mini-Series. Part 7.)

Watch me, love,
and wonder.
Confine your peripheral vision
on my silhouette
Notice that I'm secretly doing work.

Though I won't tell you exactly
what I'm up to,

know this:
It's all for you.


Don said...

Hey. I don't know if I am allowed to comment here, but I just wanted to say the prose is tight.

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

Of course Don. You're (and anyone else) is always welcome to comment. Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

I've re-fallen in love with your mini series...

"Killing Me Softly With His Song" by the Fugees.

That's what it doessss! Dont end it any time soon ;-]

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

thank you so much for taking the time to read sis. Be blessed :)