Wednesday, December 24, 2008


the way the wind blows
acclaim follows suite.
i would rather stretch my frame
underneath the persistent sky.
though it varies in hues
it will never change its shape
still as infinite as before.
steady in its faithfulness
and ignored still.
so i will pay attention
and allow the sky to teach me
how to be great without being applauded,
how to run from popularity with a clause,
and how to use misunderstanding
to confirm my identity.
[in Him.]
i lay.
and i am still.
because the way the wind blows
acclaim follows suite.


Pegs said...

great job girl! keep flowin'

why don't you have a link to i can follow you?

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

sorry...I didn't change my settings when i posted this new blog. i think i've fixed it now.
thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

nice poem i like how you ended it